Thank You To Our Extraordinary LLS Volunteers
You may have driven an important project to the finish line or reached a new fundraising goal. Perhaps you comforted someone in need, greeted families with a warm smile or raised your voice to influence change. I hope we get the opportunity to meet one day (if we haven’t already), but until then: our heartfelt thanks go out to you, our incredible volunteers.
You are at the heart of our quest to find cancer cures, and our gratitude to you runs deep because you are truly the driving force behind our mission.
National Volunteer Week gives us the perfect opportunity to share how much we appreciate you and everything you do to help us beat cancer. Your tireless partnership with us makes a difference in the lives of patients and families — and we’re so touched when we hear stories of how you went above and beyond to help.
No matter how you choose to volunteer with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), you are creating impact and this impact saves lives. In fact, since we started 70 years ago, generations of volunteers have embraced our mission, helping us invest nearly $1.3 billion in cutting edge cancer research and driving forward lifesaving patient support and advocacy efforts.
Today, volunteers support every facet of our organization — from supporting chapter efforts to raising critical funds to providing support to patients and families and advocating for policy changes at the state and federal level. Without the partnership of dedicated volunteers like you at every level of our organization, we cannot achieve the mission of LLS. Your passion, time and talent are crucial to beating cancer.
While we’ve made significant progress, there is much more work to be done. The fight against cancer needs compassion, relentlessness and most of all, commitment. You have these qualities in droves. You are our champions, our big thinkers and our game changers, and you inspire us all to work toward our mission each and every day.
When your family, friends and colleagues ask you why you are volunteering with LLS, instead of any number of other things you could be doing, please tell them: “Because I’m curing cancer.” Because you are!
When you need encouragement or inspiration along the way, remember this: you are not alone. You are part of a vibrant community of supporters across the country who care deeply about our shared vision of a world without blood cancer. Together, we are changing cancer treatment and care.
Here at LLS, we believe cancer can be cured in our lifetime. We can say this with confidence because you are fighting alongside us. Thank you for your extraordinary partnership.
In honor of National Volunteer Week, we created a special thank you video for all of our amazing volunteers.